The Way of Distinguishing Miracle From Magic

فارسی English 1536 Views |

Every creature which its existence is not similar to its nature, is created by God. It is also confirmed by the Koranic verse: “God is the Creator of everything” [Throngs (Zomar)/ 62].
The miracle performed in each period of history had been the most advanced scientific field; and this is the secret of miracle variety.

Prophets’ miracles are totally different from that of scientists. Miracle is a divine task from God, therefore it is impossible for scientists create something like that.
If we accept miracle only from its extraordinary aspect, without considering the intellectual proof, there will be no trust in it.
It is religious experts’ task to distinguish miracle from magic and make people aware. When it is proved that something is miracle; it is a sign of divine certification, means the sign of truth and prophecy.

As every creature, including usual and unusual ones, all are the sign of monotheism; every unusual invincible creature is also the sign of prophecy or Imamate of the one who performs it. And this invincible feature is a sign of miracle: “ God has written: “I shall prevail , both I Myself and My messengers!” [The Pleading Woman (Mojadeleh)/ 21].


topical exegesis of the Koran

The Koran (by T. B. Irving)


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