The reasons of Monotheism

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The treatise “The reasons of monotheism” is one of the great works of Mirza Ahmad Astiyani.

The author mentions the three reasons of monotheism through the Koranic verse: “the messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord and so do believers” everyone believes in God and His angels, His book s and His messengers we do not differentiate between any of His messengers. They say: “we have heard and obey” we beg your pardon, our Lord! Toward you Lies  The God! “(2/285)  


The author

Mirza Ahmad Ashtyani, son of Mirza Hasan Mujtahed Ashtyani.
He was an expert scholar at intellectual and transmitted sciences.
He studied in the presence of the philosophers “Kermanshahi” and “Ishkewari.

Ashtyani taught jurisprudence, methodology (Osul) and intellectual sciences over fourty years in Tehran.

About 1927 – 1932 travelled to Njaf in order to complete the transmitted sciences and he himself was teaching.
He taught “Asfar” (written by mullah Sadra) and many prominent scholars of Najaf attended his classes.
“Allameh Tabatabaei” studied some some parts of the lesson (Asfar) in his presence.

Ashtyani died in 1975 and was nearly 100 years old.



The reasons of Monotheism


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