Ali Modarres Zanuri Tehrani

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Ali Modarres Zanuri Tehrani (1819 – 1890), great scholar, philosopher and jurist. He studied in the presence of his father who was one of the greatest philosophers of his time. Then wnt to Karbala and Najaf – Iraq and studied jurisprudence and principles (Osul). He also traveled to Isfahan and studied metaphysics and philosophy in the presence of Mirza Hasan Nuri and Muhammd Ja’far Lahiji, then went to Qazvin and continued his studies.
####1- Sheikh Muhammad Baqer Istahbanati
2- Mirza Taher Tonekaboni
3- Sheikh Ali Nuri
4- Sheikh Abdul Nabi Nuri
5- Mullah Muhammad Amoli and many other scholars.

1- Sabil al-Reshad (The road of guidance; on proving corporeal resurrection)
2- Glosses on the book “Asfar” (famous work of Mullah Sadra Shirazi)
3- The novelty of metaphysics



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