The eternal charter of the Koran
فارسی English 1591 Views |This book is a subject commentary of koran, written by the prominent author “ Ayatollah sobhani” The book is written in person intending subject commentary of the koran which is different from all other methods of koranic commentary ( commentary of the koran verse by verse or chapter “ sura” by sura). It is the first persion subject commentary of the koran . The book is complied in 14th volumes whose 12 volumes are published.
The author
Ayatollah Jafar sobhani Tabrizi ,contemporary Iranian scholar. Born in 1930, in Tabriz into a religious family. He studied in Persian literature, the books “ Nasaab al- sebyan” , Abwab al- Jenan “ (the doors of paradise) , “ Mo jam History” in the presence of “ Mirza Mahmud Fazel”. Then he continued his studies in “ Tableiyeh school” in Tabriz he was trained into presence of great scholars : Ayatollah Ruhallah khomenini, sheikh Hasan Nahwi and Mirza Muhammad Ali Modems khiyabani Ayatollah sobhani is the founder of “ the center of Islamic theological studies”. And also one of the great teachers in “ Qom seminary
His works
1- Theological books and Mujam al- Mutakallemin
2- Mosoueh
3- The eternal light
4- wahhabism. etc.
The 1st volume includes the following chapters:
1- Monotheism
2- Ding good deeds towards parents
3- Filicide
4-struggle against sexual corruption
5- Respecting human soul
6- Supporting orphans
7- The dimensions of justice
8-justice in speech
9- Keeping promise
10- Waste fullness
11-murderous fanaticism
12- Tanking
13-Dinive exams
14- The koranic stories
15- Alienation
16- The world dimension of society
17-unchangeable customs
18- The lawful aspect of society and history, etc.
The 1st volume:
The ethical and social subjects, concerning subject commentary of the ten rules presented in the sura “ Livestock” (Anaam) in the verses 151-152, and also the rules revealed in the sura “the night journey”
( Esra) in the verses 22-39
The 2nd volume:
Monotheism and the grades, concerning the innate monotheism, invocation of God by au the creatures existing in the universe , the nine reasons stating existence of God mentioned in the koran , and some others are commentated by subject.
The 3rd volume:
About ethical and theosophical subjects: Jihad in Islam, emigration in the Koran, the truth and the falsehood in the Koran, The Divine book, acting sincerely , light and darkness, etc.
The 4th volume:
About hypocrites and hypocrisy, the hypocrites in the early years of Islam, the stages creation of human being, surviving human soul after death, etc. Commentated by subject.
The 5th volume:
About the innocence of the prophets and the Imams, the opponents of the innocence of the prophets and the Imams the baseless thoughts on the innocence of the prophets : “ Adam” , Nodh joseph”, “Solomon”, “Moses” and “ Jacob” all are commentated by subject.
The 6th volume:
About the prophecy of the Holy Prophet. The childhood of the Prophet, the revelation to the Prophet, the ascension to Heaven etc.
The 7th volume:
The prophets life after the emigration (from Mecca to Medina) the Qazwas (any of the battle in which the prophets fought against the infidels. the prophets characteristics in the Koran. .
The 8th volume:
About intercession, the Islamists, views on intercession different kinds of intercession, etc.
The 9th volume:
About the Resurrection and the Day of judgment , the Resurrection in the religion of the early prophets , the reasons stating the Resurrection will happen, those who deny the Resurrection, etc.
The 10th volume:
The Prophet Prophets tic missions according to the Koran, different sorts of revelation, the prophet’s characteristics (knowledge, innocence, etc). How the prophecy would be proved?
The 11th volume:
Thelife stories of the prophets life of the prophets: Adam , Enoch ( Idris) , Nich, Hud, Abraham. Saleh, Ismael, Lot, Isac, Jacob and joseph,
all are commentated by subject
1he 12th volume:
The life stories of the Prophets, life of the prophets: jetro ( shuayb ), Moses, Solomon , Job ( Ayub) Jonah (younos) , zachriah John ( Yahya) and Jesus, all are commentated in the book by subject.
The book was published in 1981 in Isfahan – Iran.
The eternal charter of the Koran
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