The life of Her Holiness Zahra (p. b. u. h)
English 2742 Views |The present book is composed by the prominent scholar Allameh Majlesi concerning the life of Her holiness Zahra (the prophets is daughter ) and all the Shiite and Sunni traditions (Hadith) related to her.
The author
Allameh Muhammad Baqer Majlesi, born into an educated family, was the most cwlebrated Twelver Shia scholar and traditionist in the middle of the second half of the17th and the first ten years of the 18th century in Isfahan.
Allameh was the 3rd son of “Allameh Muhammad Taqi Majlesi” who was one of the most prominent Shia schoalr.
Allameh Majlesi studied most of the religious sciences in the presence of his father. The following are some of his masters:
1- Mullah Saleh Mazandarani
2- Mullah Hasan Ali Shushtari
3- Mirza Rafi’ al-Din Tabatabaei
4- Mir Muhammad Qahpaei Isfahani
5- Mullah Muhammad Sharif Isfahani
6- Sheilk Abdullah Aameli
7- Sheikh Ali Aameli
8- Mullah Mohsen Feiz Kashani
9- Seyyed Mirza Jazayeri
10- Mullah Muhammad Taher Qomi
There are different ideas about the number of his books; some sources indicate that there are left 70 Arabic and Persian books altogether. The book “Reyhant al-Adab” indicate: 77 books.
The book “al-Zari’e” shows 169 books of Allameh Majlesi.
His Persian books:
1- Hayat al-Qolub (Life of hearts), 3 volumes, one of his most important books. The 1st volume on history of propherts, the 2nd on life of the Holy Prophet and the 3rd on life of the Imams and history of caliphs.
2- Eyn al-Hayat (spring of life)
3- Meshkat al-Anwar (Lamp of lights)
4- Jala al-Oyun (Polishing eyes) on life of the Imams
5- Zaad al-M’aad (The book is on prayers)
6- Spring of weeks
7- Tuhfat al-Zaer (present of pilgrim)
8- Ekhtiyarat al-Ayyam (Options od days)
9- Options of great days
10- Composition of desire
Allameh Majlesi died in 1699 in Isfahan
The book structure
The book is arranged in the following chapters:
1- Fatima’s birth, her appearance (including 4 sections)
2- The virtues and superiorities of Fatima (peace be upon her)
3- The other names of Fatima
4- The life style of Fatima and her good morals
5-The manner of her association with his spouse His Holiness Ali
7-The oppressions against Fatima and her martyrdom
8- Calling for justice in Day of Judgment by Fatima
9- Fatima s children and their superiorities
10- Some of the prayers attributed to Fatima the koranic verse (Shawra)
That is God proclaims to those servants of his who believe and perform honorable deeds. Say: “I do not ask you any payment for it except affection towards your relatives” we shall add to its fineness for anyone who acquires a fine deed. God id forgiving Appreciative (42/23), Fatima’s faith in God, the characteristics of Fatima’s prayers, the koranic verse ( Al- e Imran / the house of Imran)
Tell anyone who argues with you concerning it, once knowledge has come to you: “come, let us call our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves together, then let us plead, and place God’s curse upon the liars” (3/61)
The life of Her Holiness Zahra (p. b. u. h)
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