Hades (the name attributed to Hell)
فارسی English 2577 Views |In some of Koranic verses, there are terms attributed to Hell. “Hades” (Jahim) is one of those terms referring to Hell and the severe torment in:
1- Anyone who has acted arrogantly and preferred worldly life will have Hades for a dwelling place. (79:37-39)
2-They said: “Build him a pyre and cast him into Hades!” (37:97)
3- We have sent you with the Truth as a herald and a Warner; you will not be questioned about the inmates of Hades. (2:119)
4- Those who disbelieve, and refute Our signs, will become inmates of Hades (5:10)
5-While who disbelieve and reject Our signs will become inmates of Hades! (5:86)
6- While Hades will appear for the straying. (26:91)
7-and Hades will loom forth for anyone to see. (79:36)
8-Instead of God; lead them along the road towards Hades. (37:23)
al-Mizan Koranic exegesis (Allameh Tabatabai)
The Noble Quran (English translation by T.B. Irving)
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