Aligning the pearl beads(nazm Al-la’äli), famous to questioning and answering by Allame Mohammad-Bagher Majlesi
فارسی English 2031 Views |This book is one of the Allame Molla Mohammad-Bagher Majlesi’s valuable works which expresses his scientific and social position and is a sign of his “sagacity” (the state of being learned in Jurisprudence) and “authority” (marja’iyat) in his period. This book does not have the scientific treatise aspect for the present time, but, it considers the aspect of juridical and theoretical position of Allame Majlesi. For informing of his juridical viewpoints can refer to this book. This book is for authorities, the learned and “Mujtahid” (expert in the law of Islam). ####
The author’s biography:
Alläme Mollä Mohammad Bägher Majlesi was born in Isfehän’s Där Al-Saltaneh, in the beginning of 1629A.D. (1308A.H.). His birth occurred in an educated family and in the time of Mir Dämäd’s “authority” (marja’iyat), the famous “jurisconsult”(faghih) and philosopher. Alläme Majlesi has been the most famous scholar, jurisconsult, famous “traditionist”(mohadeth), Imamism shi’a, Isfahan’s “Sheykh Al-Islam”(a high religious dignitary) and excel of Isfahan’s scholars in the middle of the second half of the eleventh century A.H. and in the first ten years of the twelfth century. Alläme was the third son of Mollä Mohammad Taghi Majlesi who was also one of the glories of shi’a scholars. In the end of Saffavid government, with great perseverance and patience, through compiling and composing of books, teaching Islamic sciences, educating many students and managing the religious affairs of shiisms in his time, succeed to serve so positively to the Iran’s shia and Muslim people that not any clergyman has had such success. His Persian and Arabic books are as a spinal column of Imamism shi’a beliefs in the past 300 years.
His most valuable works:
1- “Haqq Al-yaqeen”(reality of certainty) on beliefs
2- “Eyn Al-Hayät”(essence of life) on ethics
3- Heliyat Al-Mutaqin on rules of injunctions
4- Hayät Al-Qolub on history of prophets
5- Jalal Al-Oyun on history of Innocent Ones (
Most of his studies, in the field of religious sciences, was in the presence of his father and other his masters are as follows:
-Mollä Muhammad Saleh Mäzandaräni who was his brother-in –law
-Mollä Hassan
-Ali Shushtari
-Mirza Rafi’ Al-din Tabätabäi Näini
-Sheikh Abdollah Ibn sheikh Jäber Ameli
-Mollä Mohsen Feyz Käshäni
-Seyyed Mirzä Jazäyeri, etc.
His students:
1-Seyyed Ne’mat Allah Jazäyeri
2- Mir Mohammad-Saleh Khätun Äbädi
3- Haj Mohammad Ardebili
4- Mir Mohammad-Hossein Khätun Äbädi
5- Mollä Mohammad Majlesi (Alläme’s cousin), etc
Alläme Majlesi had two wives. From the first wife he had one son and two daughters and from the second wife he had one son and one daughter. It has been said that Alläme also had the third wife that from her he had two sons and two daughters. He died in his city (Isfahan) in 1699.Mar.29A.D. (110.Ramadän .27A.H.). He was buried by Jäme mosque, his activity place and near his house, next to his great scholar father (Mollä Mohammad Taghi Majlesi). His tomb is by the Isfahan Jame mosque.
The book structure:
This book including the following titles:
-the way of difference between mentioned subjects
-the book of science, on the way of understanding the reasoning of learing and imitating rules, the injunction of “Motejazä Mojtahid” (Motejazä Mojtahid means: the mojtahid who is specialists in some of religious injunctions),
-the monotheism, means the subjects belongs to the monotheism principle
-the treatise of Essence and Act’s Attributes
-the treatise of researching on “Bada’ subject” [Bada’ means change of mind].
-the treatise of researching on “determinism” (jabr) and entrustment
-the book of “Hojat” (proof), mentioning some subjects relevant to the prophet and success
-the treatise of commentary on verse:100, Repentance sura [And (as or) the foremost, the first of ………],
-the resurrection’s book
-The rules of “sele Rahem” (union of kindred),
-the book of “zekr” (remembrance), prayer and Quran
-explaining the “ritual impurities” (nejäsät),
-the way of cleaning the impure water, impure ice and snow
-the way of cleaning the utensils, land, adobe, rug, felt, quilt, etc
-the “Ghasäle” injunction of body, dress, etc [Ghasäle means the water which spill the body or etc after washing (the body, etc)],
-the injunctions of impurities’ spreading
-the injunctions of doubt in impurities
-the injunction of the inward part (of body such as inside the ear),
-the kinds of “ritual purity”(Tahärat),
-the quality of “wozoo” (ritual partial ablution),
-the qulity of “Ghusl” (ritual full ablution),
-the injunctions of menstruation
-the quality of “Tayammom”(ablution with earth or sand instead of water),
-the numbers of “salavät”(blessing), the rules and injunctions of “jabireh” (jabireh means, anything which we use as a treatment such as band aid, plaster, bondage, etc and putting on the wound, fracture, burn, etc),
-the time of “salavat” (blessing),
-the injunctions of “Qible” (the prayer direction),
-the injunctions of worshipper’s dress and place,
-the injunctions of “Izan” (call to prayer) and “eghäme” (the second call to prayer),
-the injunctions of prayer’s intention
-the injunctions of “takbiratol’ haräm” (recitation of “Allah is great” in the beginning of prayer),”standing” (ghiyäm), reciting, genuflection, prostrations, testimony, salutation, etc
-the quality of “prayer” (namäz) in detail
-difference between men and women in doing the “prayer”(namäz),
-the interruptions of “prayer” (namäz),
-the injunctions of the forgetfulness and doubt in “prayer”(namäz),
-miscellaneous of the forgetfulness and doubt injunctions
-the injunctions of congregational
-the injunctions of Friday prayer, “qazä”(compensatory) and “niyäbat”(on behalf of somebody), “Eyd” (feast) prayer, “signs of God”( äyät) prayer, “istisqä” (pray for rain) and “supererogatory” (näfele) prayer, etc
-the rules of fasting and its subsidiaries
-kinds of journey and its interruptions
-the book of “zakät”(alms) and “khoms” (one fifth),
-the rules of “fetre” (breaking the fast) in month of Ramadan
-explaining the consumptions of “zakät” (alms),
-the consumptions of “khums”(one fifth) and its conditions
-the book of Hajj and pilgrimage
-the book of jihad
-the book of commanding the good and forbidding the bad
-the injunctions of gossip
-the injunctions of repentance
-the injunctions of cash to “on credit” transaction and the injunctions of usury
-the book of mortgage
-the book of “surety” (zemän),
-the injunctions of partnership
-the injunctions of “partnership of capital and labor” (mozärebe),
-the injunctions of will
-the injunctions of “waqf”(endowment),
-the injunctions of testator
-the injunctions of “wet nurse”(rezä),
-the injunctions of looking and touching
-rules of “privacy” (khalvat),
-the injunctions of “Vows of Abstention” (Iyl'a), [Iyl'a in a general word meaning oath, but in jurisprudence it has a special meaning, which is that in order to annoy his wife, a man recites a contract swearing that he will not have sexual intercourse with her ever again or for a fixed period (four months or more)].
-the injunctions of alimonies on maintenance
-the rules and conditions of divorce
-the book of “tadbir” (acquiring freedom through will), “vows” (ayman) and atonements
-the injunctions of solid objects and liquid
-the book of “laghte” (found thing or ownerless property),
-the book of the book of “enlivening the dead” (ihyaye mavät),
-the book of heritage
-the book of “arbitration”(qazä),
-explaining the judge’s features
-the book of testimonies
-the book of “Hudud” (punishments),
-the book of “Qisas” (retaliation) and “diyät” (blood moneis),
-the book of exceptions or rare things.
Aligning the pearl beads(nazm Al-la’äli), famous to questioning and answering by Allame Mohammad-Bagher Majlesi
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